
Assistant Wilderness Instructor

Company: Montana Wilderness School

Job Type: Seasonal

Job Description

POSITION OVERVIEW:Individuals interested in joining the Montana Wilderness School (MWS) field staff should possess experience leading multi-day wilderness-based courses. MWS seeks field staff who are experienced in outdoor education, committed to conservation, and who possess high quality individual and group facilitation skills. Ideal candidates for MWS field staff have comprehensive personal and/or institutional experience in either climbing/mountaineering or paddling, or a combination of both.

JOB OBJECTIVE: Lead inexperienced 14-18 year old students on backpacking, mountaineering, or paddling expeditions in wilderness settings for extended periods of time while managing risks and evaluating student performance. Assist in the facilitation of classes and activities to achieve the curricular goals of MWS expeditions and make decisions in the field that reflect MWS’ programmatic goals.

How to Apply

1/Send cover letter and resume to: [email protected]; Feel free to email us at that address or call if you have any questions (406.388.4610)  2/Respond to the questions below (Please type your responses and submit them with your cover letter and resume. Please save the file with your full name in the title. For example: “Sarah Smith MWS Lead Instructor Application”)  1. Describe, in 1-2 paragraphs, what you enjoy about working with students in outdoor education? What are your greatest assets as an educator?  2. Describe in 1 paragraph your experience working with people different than you.  3. Describe, in 1-2 paragraphs, your personal conservation ethic. What inspires you about spending time in the outdoors?  4. Risk Management and Judgment: Please briefly provide an example/story of your experience with hazard evaluation and risk management. Please include a comprehensive analysis of your example in order to help us understand what you learned from these events and your overall approach and philosophy regarding risk management.  5. Montana Specific: Describe any connections you may have to Montana in the past or present. Please include any knowledge of wildlife or conservation issues, local history, natural history, and any personal trips or work you have had specifically in Montana.  6. Briefly describe your technical paddling, climbing, mountaineering, or backpacking experience. Please remember to submit a technical skills log that details this experience.  3/Submit a technical skills log (you may use our template or provide your own) that appropriately documents your climbing, mountaineering, backpacking and paddling experience. Please save the file with your full name in the title (for example: “Sarah Smith MWS Technical Skills Log”).
Posted on: January 29, 2020
Job Type: Seasonal
Job Starting Date:
May 18, 2020
Application Closing Date:
May 6, 2024
Job Salary Range:
100.00 to 125.00
Years of Experience: 1 – 2 years
Preferred/Required Degree Level: High School/GED
Job Activity(ies): Canoeing - flatwater
Population(s) Served: Youth - General
Job Category(ies): Adventure Course