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Trauma-Informed Facilitation

Author(s): The Association for Experiential Education
Video Release Date: July 12, 2024
Video Source: YouTube

Association for Experiential Education members Sky Gray, Dr. Kynetta ‘Sugar’ McFarlane, and Dr. Christine Norton present a webinar on how to facilitate workshops and trainings from a trauma-informed perspective. Webinar Objectives:

+ Review the importance of psychological safety when facilitating groups
+ How to create space for authentic engagement
+ Define trauma from the perspective of race/equity
+ Understand the lasting impacts of trauma and the individual and community risk factors related to trauma
+ Review trauma-informed care principles
+ Define trauma-informed facilitation and identify its key components

Webinar Slides at: https://assets.noviams.com/novi-file-uploads/aee/pdfs-and-documents/SJTF/Trauma_Informed_Facilitation.pdf

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