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Protocols for Outdoor Activities

Source: Outdoors Victoria
Article Date:  November 29, 2013

Developing and implementing activity protocols across your organization is an essential part of providing a proper standard of care and and part of a comprehensive risk management plan. The purpose of sharing protocols is to advance the level of safety and professionalism within the fields of outdoor education and experiential education. OutdoorEd.com discourages the practice of simply copying protocols verbatim from one organization to another.Due to the extreme variance in clientele, activities, environment, staff experience, levels of supervision, state laws, etc. that exist in our industry, no matter how well written a protocol is, it still must be thoroughly reviewed and correctly adapted for your specific situation prior to being integrated into your organization. Also, simply having a written protocol is not enough. The protocol must be properly implemented, staff must be trained in the protocol, records must be kept, etc. Use the wisdom and experience of others to help you develop your own protocols and make sure they are properly adapted and implemented in your program. 

For professional assistance in developing or reviewing your company’s protocols, please check out the Risk Management Consultants page for companies and consultants who can assist you in your protocol development process.

Adventure Activity Standards – Victoria, Australia

The best seller used by outdoor programs across the country as a resource and textbook. 

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