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Solace by Tom Gibbons

Author(s): Tom Gibbons
Video Release Date: February 6, 2022
Video Source: Vimeo

Karel Sabbe spent his childhood summers hiking in the wilderness. An avid explorer of natural environments, he set his mind to setting the fastest known times on the world’s most brutal and beautiful trails. From the Pacific Crest to the Appalachian Trail, he’s done that.
In the summer of 2021, Karel Sabbe ran the Via Alpina in just 30 days, the actual Fastest Known Time. Averaging two marathons on a daily basis, he navigated the route 14 days faster than anybody else. As well as the Alps, Karel overcame sleep deprivation, illness and extreme weather. And he did it all with a camera crew in tow, documenting every step.

In this new documentary, Solace, we joined him on what might be his most beautifully brutal adventure yet.
Get an unprecedented look at what it takes to achieve a Fastest Known Time. This is the story of Karel’s Via Alpina FKT.

The Backpacker's Field Manual book cover

The best seller used by outdoor programs across the country as a resource and textbook. 

Available in paperback, E-book, and now as an Audiobook at Amazon.com