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Video Release Date: December 4, 2016
Video Source: Vimeo


from RIVERINGPRO6 months ago




RIVERING is an ode to the whitewater obsession.

Filmed on the wild rivers of New Zealand, RIVERING is a very different kind of sports movie.

From the director:
Kayaking for me is a dose of sanity. In a world ever more risk averse and bubblewrapped, kayaking (and the wilderness in general) are where I find an escape. This is where I rely on my common sense, my ability to analyse risk and the skills of my fellow paddlers.

You don’t need to be an expert paddler to experience this, nor do you need any special talent. But like learning a musical instrument, kayaking rewards those who put in the effort. I learned to kayak at 34. I will never win a competition, and there are rivers I will never have the ability to paddle.

But none of that matters. I love it just the same.

Kayaking has taken me places no one else can go. It gets under your skin in a way no other sport I know does. It is an obsession.

So, when Glenn Murdoch (the exec producer) and I started talking about this project, we were not interested in an extreme sports film. We wanted to make a film that was about the rest of us: oldsters, youngsters, weekend warriors, beginners, perpetual intermediates. We wanted to showcase the sport we love, the people we paddle with and the wild rivers that we call home.

RIVERING is a film about passion for the outdoors that will resonate far beyond the paddling community.

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The best seller used by outdoor programs across the country as a resource and textbook. 

Available in paperback, E-book, and now as an Audiobook at